Everything you need is going to happen through people. Network!
In an age where people generally prefer to keep to themselves, this may seem daunting. We get on the train and immediately put on our earphones or make it clear we're busy by scrolling endlessly. That's just the norm. The only problem is, when we start a business we need to talk to those people with "the earphones on".
Tom Reaoch says, "Most people wait until they've lost their job or need a new client to start networking." Nothing wrong with that, but it's better to always be growing your network online and offline.
"Your network is your networth." ~ Porter Gale
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Tom Reaoch is an American, known as The King of Networking in Brazil with many years of professional market and product development experience in Brazil and the world in small, medium, and large businesses and multinational corporations. Presently Tom is the Founder and Host of three podcasts about Business: Talk 2 Brazil Business Connection in English, BBN Brasil Business Network in Portuguese, and Café & Networking Podcast, both English and Portuguese interviews. He is a public Speaker and Author (in Portuguese) “Seja Executivo e Não Executado
To connect with Tom go to:
Tom's pick for the Leaders Are Readers series:
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
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