Dear fellow multi-passionate entrepreneurs,
Most of us become entrepreneurs because a 9-to-5 job doing the same thing every day just wasn't a good fit for us.
We have lots of ideas and numerous passions, and we see colour in everything!
We aspire to create an existence outside the box, defy the norm, do things differently, take the path less traveled (I love this Robert Frost poem), and have some fun doing it.
But here's the catch...
The concept of the 9 to 5, we realize, wasn't entirely wrong. It was a valuable learning experience that taught us the importance of structure and discipline.
Yet, the structure and discipline of working on the same thing every day is what leads to tangible results.
There's a compounding effect that has to take place in value creation, leading to exponential growth and success.
Where does that leave the multi-passionate entrepreneur?
(Subscribe to our Faith & Biz Blog to get on the inside of our Business Artists tribe -- & there's a bonus Freebie I think you'll appreciate)
What is the personal goal behind being an entrepreneur?
If we want to create freedom in work (not get run down from the grind and & hustle), serve people we root for to succeed (not sell out to the highest bidder) and live well doing so (avoid being way overworked and financially struggling), then we have to be obsessed with value creation (not merely doing a lot of passion projects).
I've been at this crossroads before 🤚🏾!
Here's the shift I had to make.
Maxing out the potential in what I was doing = MASTERY.
It's not going to happen by accident, it's not going to happen overnight.
I made two simple decisions: To be INTENTIONAL about working diligently in a single direction & PATIENT enough to respect the process.
A little phrase I took to heart from the Podcast Summit in Atlanta hosted by David Shands of Social Proof Podcast Network.
👏🏾 Don't disrespect what you're in just because it's still small. 👏🏾
It's back to that structure and discipline to become part of the top 1% in our industry.
I'm taking a bold stance because I believe that's the path for the Faith-Driven Entrepreneur.
We serve at the pleasure of the Almighty God.
Anything less than mastery wouldn't be right.
Is it just another 9 to 5? No!
It's designing our life's work.
As fun as that sounds, it's really hard.
Let's be real!
Most of us have been told what to do from birth.
Parents/Guardians tell us what's acceptable.
Schooling tells us what's expected as we conform to the grading system.
Work/Career life teaches us how to excel in the box of professional life.
And now, no one is telling us what to do, how to do it, or what the "grading system" that earns us success is 🤯 ?????
It's both liberating and scary.
We can finally do things our way.
Rather, God's way.
Can I share some pitfalls I fell into early in my entrepreneurship journey?
When we don't have structure, we resort to being led by emotions.
There's that old adage: NEVER TRUST AN EMOTION (it's true). Dig deeper; there's something behind it.
Often times it's fear and doubt.
They breed counter-productivity and that's definitely in opposition to creating value.

Counterproductivity can manifest in jumping from one thing to another.
Being multi-passionate?
Chasing opportunity?

I'm not saying dull your colorful life. Not at all.
There's a book that does better at this topic than I do.
The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. Not every passion is a business (or not at this point in time). The premise of the 4-Hour Work Week is not about hardly working as the title implies, but about lifestyle design.
It's important to have a mastery plan. Whatever your service-based business niche, create a path to mastery and, of greatest importance, WORK YOUR PLAN by faith.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and HE will establish your plans. ~ Proverbs 16 : 3
Lately, I've just seen too many brilliant people squander their opportunity to really make an impact by being scattered in their energy output. I felt really sad about that, and it gave me another wake-up call.
"There are people whose lives depend on us doing what we need to do." ~ Anonymous
Your contribution matters.
Stay blessed!
P.S. If you're interested in a quick summary of The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris stay tuned for an upcoming Leaders Are Readers Series (LARS) on The Lessons Of Entrepreneurship Podcast
[Keywords: Entrepreneurship vs 9-to-5, Multi-passionate entrepreneurs, Value creation in business, Structure and discipline for entrepreneurs, Mastery in entrepreneurship, Business artistry, Creative entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial aspirations, Importance of structure in business, Entrepreneurial journey tips, Faith-driven entrepreneur, Exponential growth in business, Entrepreneurial pitfalls, Lifestyle design for entrepreneurs, Mastery plan for entrepreneurs]