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Writer's picturePriscilla Shumba

Is Your Personal Brand The REAL You: Self Confidence Vs. Self-Worth???

As we navigate the age of personal branding, the call to "BE YOURSELF" emerges as a radical act of defiance against societal norms, urging us to embrace our uniqueness and fulfil a Kingdom mission assigned uniquely to us.

Can You Afford To Be Yourself Tho?

I recently saw an instagram post that sparked my interest about the difference between self-worth and self-confidence by Jamie Kern Lima and Oprah. It was about our culture's obsession with confidence. Fake it till you make it. Become more confident. Dress to impress. We've heard and taken all these messages into our consciousness to different degrees. The emphasis is always on the outward. What you can do to be more.. (fill in the blank). Successful. Attractive. Powerful. Whatever the case may be—the external.

The truth is we were made worthy through Christ. Our circumstances don't matter. Oh, if we could believe this! Help us believe. I wish I could fill this line with rocket ship emojis. The joy! The belief!

Your Self-Worth Is The Ceiling. ~ Jamie Kern Lima

BE YOURSELF. It's enough!

As simple as this sounds, it's one of the hardest things to do. We want to be deserving of being worthy.

After all, WHO ARE YOU?

Are you a combination of your background, upbringing, education, career, or lack of those things? The great deception is to think we are, and by so doing we take off our crowns.

Son of God. Daughter of God. Heir with Christ.

The Creator who made you and knew you before you were in your mother's womb knows without a shadow of a doubt who you are.

It's too easy to become our environment. It's too enticing to become a clone of people we admire. As entrepreneurs, we can shape ourselves to be "market approved". Making sure we are of "value" as the world defines.


we were always VALUABLE.

Specially made.

Knitted by God.

Before we could even do a thing.


For us as entrepreneurs, it's easy to emulate the big names, their style, and methods of doing business because they are clearly working; but then we lose our vision, mission, and voice in the process. I know, this is what the pressure to make money does. Can we be real here? But, what does it profit a man or woman to lose his soul and gain the world Mark 8 : 36

We silence ourselves in a world that needs to hear from us. Everyone else is sharing their beliefs but us. We have forgotten our worth. It's tied to our mission.

" For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. " Luke 9 : 24

Nothing is coincidence. The opportunity to share the love we so freely received is everywhere. We are in the age of the personal brand. Being yourself is crucial to doing business.

Don't forgo this opportunity. Especially in a crowded market place, it's crucial to BE YOURSELF❗️ It's the only way we set ourselves apart.

Do it your way and the competition becomes irrelevant in the mind of your target consumer.

Forget the competition. Being on a Kingdom mission is a tremendous responsibility, there's a reason that business idea was assigned to you. Your unique signature is what it requires.

Forget the rules. There are no rules. If your path isn't typical, why try to get typical.

Strive to BE YOURSELF. It's not going to be easy, but it will be freeing.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3 : 17

Go ahead and soar in the freedom we have.

Happy Week!

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