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Writer's picturePriscilla Shumba

The #1 Tip For Someone Starting A Podcast in 2024

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

The number of podcasters is growing daily, probably at a faster rate than the number of podcast listeners, which means it's more than likely that we are fighting for the attention of a small pool of listeners who have other methods of getting edu-tainment.

But don't let that deter you! Your tribe is out there, they just need to know you exist.

Gone are the days of 'build it and they will come'. You want them to come before you're old and gray.

Think with your marketing mind!

It's important to have a marketing strategy.

Starting out with whom it is you are trying to gain as a listener. What topics would be helpful and interesting to them? What's their lifestyle? What would they typically be doing while listening to you? For example, if your podcast is for new moms who care about the mental health of their children, you can't have a show that lasts three hours and is just you rambling on and having a great time. You have to consider that they have limited time, that they're more likely to listen to expert guests in the field of child mental health, and more importantly that they have burning questions they're searching for answers to.

Listeners are trading their time in exchange for a value-packed episode.

The good part is that they will shop about and hopefully stumble upon your show, you just need to be sure it provides what they need.

Well, let's take a few steps back. How are they going to find your podcast?

As romantic as it is to have a deeply meaningful name for your podcast, it's more important to have a name that's self-explanatory. The road to being discovered is shorter this way. I know!

An equally important aspect is having a clean and clear graphic for your podcast artwork. Again, the more self-explanatory the better. Remember listeners are typing in a keyword or phrase and then scrolling through the options. They have a few seconds to decide if they'll listen to your podcast or someone else's. So, before you have a set in stone name and artwork, browse the top podcasts in your category. It's a fine line, but you want to be comparable but at the same time stand out. Don't spend months on this! The artwork can always be changed. Rather make sure that the name is a no brainer for someone seeking out your type of content.

Now, you've got the right visual, name, and content that matches what you've portrayed as being the main topic of the podcast.

The real work begins!

Create an audience around your podcast content on social media.

Yes, listeners might scroll and find you but you also need listeners who set out looking for you.

Remember you're a marketer before you're a podcast-preneur!

It's going to be a journey. Some people get immediate success depending on the topic of their podcast and what's hot right now, and others have to build gradually and intentionally. If you believe in the work you're doing through your podcast, stay the course, and keep getting a little better with each episode.

As they say, it's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it.

In the meanwhile enjoy networking with amazing people in your area of interest, and bring some listeners along for the ride.

P.S. Check out the ReinventingPerspectives Podcast at

And leave me a review 😊. If you have any new podcaster questions, send me an email at with the subject line 'New Podcaster'.

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