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Is Your Business Likely To Be A Success In 2025, in 2030...

Updated: Apr 10

Gary Vaynerchuck made a bold prediction in 2014 that,  


and even more importantly to small business owners ,

 “The faster your business realizes that it’s a media company, the more likely it will be to succeed in 2020, in 2025, in 2030…”

What does being a media company mean? 

According to ActiveCampaign, “A media company is an organization that operates in the field of mass communication, producing and distributing content to a wide audience through various channels.”

So, YES content creation is here to stay! It’s the standard of doing business today. Therefore, it’s critical to shift our mindsets from “chore-mode” to business-opportunity-mode when it comes to our media presence. 

Never in human history has the opportunity to market one’s products and services to mass audiences ever been this accessible (at the click of a mouse) nor this affordable (how much to open a social media account? Internet service and a phone). 

If you believe in what you’re doing, then learning to market it well is a no-brainer. 

“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–

and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation.”

A significant factor of marketing is to build a brand, so only keep reading if your goal is to build a brand. Meaning you’re in this for the long-game. 

Building a brand involves establishing a UNIQUE and MEMORABLE image, personality, and reputation for a product, service, or company.

If you’re happy to proceed, Click below to download THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHEAT SHEET

Social Media Marketing Cheat Sheet
Download PDF • 17.29MB

To jumpstart your business media success grab a digital copy of The Entrepreneur's Guide To Business Media Success For Coaches & Small Business Owners

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Work diligently to seize the opportunities of the day.

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